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Mitteilung des Dikasterium für den Interreligiösen Dialog zu Guru Nanak Prakash Diwas (8. November 2022)

Dear Sikh Friends,

The Dicastery for Inter-Religious Dialogue, until recently known as the Pontifical  Council for Interreligious Dialogue, offers festal greetings and wishes to all of you, as you  celebrate the Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji on 8 November this year. May your  celebrations strengthen the bonds of love and unity in your families and communities, and fill  you with joy and peace!

While we move on with hope as global community desiring a complete relief from  coronavirus related concerns, occurrence of aggressions, tensions and violence in different  parts of the world, almost on a daily basis, and the widespread poverty and inequality,  exclusion and marginalization in society continue to threaten the prospect of a happy,  harmonious and peaceful living together of people. Besides, a rapid growth among the masses  of those inured and indifferent to the needs and sufferings of fellow beings proves to be a  stumbling block in finding solutions to problems affecting humanity. In this context, we wish  to share with you some thoughts on how we, believers, in particular, both the Sikhs and  Christians, can promote interreligious solidarity for the good of all of us.

'Solidarity' stems from mutual dependency of all human beings and therefore entails  mutual responsibility for one another. It manifests that we are 'all brothers' in concrete ways:  reaching out to brothers and sisters in need, offering succour and care, joining hands for a  cause, etc. It profoundly displays "a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to  the common good; that is to say to the good of all and of each individual" (Saint John Paul II,  Encyclical Letter Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, 1987, no.38). Promotion of solidarity thus involves  seeking the good of all, respecting the dignity and identity of all, irrespective of legitimate  differences, and taking moral responsibility for the well-being of all. Moreover, solidarity as  sharing of material, spiritual, natural and human resources with others often entails sacrifices  that showcase the best of our humanness, goodness and religiousness.

It is heartening to note that there is a growing awareness among people about the need  for solidarity so as to support one another and to collectively take on issues facing them in  society. The kind of human solidarity including interreligious solidarity witnessed on the  ground in recent times, be it during disasters and emergencies or on matters quite critical for  the welfare of society, commendably testifies it. Solidarity in general and its particular  expressions need to be carefully sustained at the local, national and international levels,  making it a movement and culture that favours and protects the common good. Interreligious  solidarity, in particular, needs a nurturing and strengthening with a spirit that "seeks to build  up rather than to destroy, to unite rather than to divide" (Saint John Paul II, Message for the  World Day of Peace, 1987).

Promotion of interreligious solidarity for the common good must earnestly begin from  families - the first and fundamental schools of social living - where members, led by the  example of grandparents, parents and elders, learn values that build solidarity for the good of  all in the family, despite conceivable differences among them. Besides, education and  formation are key areas whereby students can be taught to imbibe the spirit of solidarity and  of 'unity in diversity', by inspiring and encouraging them, to do gestures and acts of solidarity,  in creative ways, in the neighbourhoods and in the wider society. Since the common minimum  invitation that religions send out to their adherents is to be good persons and to work for the  good of all persons, interreligious solidarity can be promoted by religions and religious  leaders with great ease and effort. Interreligious solidarity is a matter of utmost importance  and holds the key to ensuring the common good for all times, present and ahead.

As believers grounded in our own respective religious beliefs and convictions and as  persons with shared values and concerns about the good of the society, may we, Christians  and Sikhs, joining hands with people of other religious traditions and of good will, do all that  we can individually and collectively, with a sense of responsibility for one another and for  creation, to promote a culture of interreligious solidarity, a culture which according to Pope  Francis sees others "not as rivals or statistics, but as brothers and sisters" (Address to the  community of Varginha (Manguinhos), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25 July 2013)!

Wish you all a Happy Guru Nanak Prakash Diwas!

Miguel Ángel Cardinal Ayuso Guixot, MCCJ

Rev. Msgr. Indunil Kodithuwakku Janakaratne Kankanamalage

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